Spotlight on Decor Chair Rachel Araten
For the past three years, Rachel Araten ’20 has served as Ramaz Decor Chair. This is a very unique position that Ramaz is proud to offer to artistically talented and creative students as part of the school’s concerted effort to enhance the students’ environment and thereby boost the overall experience. The role of the Decor Chair is to decorate the building and enhance spirit in the school for holidays and special events. Rachel has a tremendous impact on the school and students.
A few of the exciting projects which Rachel pioneered this year included beautifully decorating the school lobby for orientation, adorning our sukkah, and accessorizing the school for Spirit Day. Although Rachel is proud of everything she has accomplished this year, when asked to highlight the project she enjoyed most, Rachel said, “My favorite project to work on was decorating the lobby for Yom Haatzmaut. I feel that the building ambiance was able to express the feeling of excitement everyone has for Israel in a creative way.”
Rachel acknowledged that her job is demanding and certainly was not easy in the beginning. She explained that there was a learning curve. Specifically, she had to figure out when and how to order supplies to be delivered in time for events. Rachel is grateful for the assistance of Rabbi Dov, Rabbi Slomnicki, Ms. Chechik, and Joe. They are all instrumental in helping Rachel accomplish everything she wants to do smoothly. Although Rachel does not have an assigned committee to assist her, a lot of students, especially student government leaders, have offered their support. Rachel emphasized, “I have had the amazing help of the G.O. as well as a few friends that I have recruited to stay late and decorate with me. I want to give a huge shoutout to them!”
Rachel’s work in the school continues throughout the school year. She is looking forward to Purim, Yom Haatzmaut, and Tu B’Shvat as well as more exciting events that will involve decorating. When asked if she plans to pursue her artistic talents in college and beyond, Rachel said that she does not plan to attend an undergraduate art school. She does hope to study studio art and art history while in college and potentially minor in it. Rachel said, “Art has always been a part of my life, and I want to keep growing in that area of my life. I am hoping to pursue a career in special education and would be interested in learning more about art therapy and how that could help me in my future career.”
The Rampage thanks Rachel for her incredible contribution to our school and looks forward to what she has in store for the rest of the year.

Caitlin Levine loves journalism, is an avid writer, and is thrilled to be an editor-in-chief of The Rampage. Caitlin has actively contributed to The Rampage...