Innovation in a Virtual World: Updates to RamLife Coming Soon
The start of Covid-19 in New York meant that, almost overnight, almost every human interaction was transferred online. This past year, new and innovative technology has been more important than ever before. How fitting is that only a few months before Covid hit, the RamLife App was released? The RamLife App, developed by Levi Lesches ’21 and Sophia Kremer ’20, provides students with easy access to their schedules and classes and even features a sleek dark mode. This year, Lesches and Mr. Vovsha, the faculty advisor, are partnering with Josh Todes ’23 to improve the app.
Lesches and Todes are working to update the app to fit this year’s new hybrid system; however, there is a slight delay due to the fact that the IT department just recently sent over all of the students’ class schedules. Another complication they are having is with the App Store. Although Lesches has reached out to Apple multiple times, they are not being cooperative. To finally get the app on the App Store, Lesches needs to work with Apple’s app review board, which only consists of three members. Lesches explained, “Since the app is not in the App Store, automatic updates don’t work, so I need to work with the code already in the old version.” Lesches even made a website just for the code because of how complex it is!
There are a lot of future plans for RamLife. Lesches has created a sports page. He mentioned that a lot has changed but it’s in the background until the app is officially on the App Store. Another direction for the app may center around parents. Lesches has been in contact with Kenny Rochlin in regard to making the app more accessible for parents and expanding it to the lower and middle schools. Additionally, Lesches and Todes are considering adding a publication section, where students can access and read The Rampage, Breakthrough, Xevex, RamMD, and many other Ramaz publications. There is also a possibility of attaching Zoom links to classes on the app or visiting a RamLife website instead of an app on a phone. Todes would love to create an option for students to book meetings with their teachers directly on RamLife. Teachers would have their free periods listed on the app. Students’ schedules would match up, allowing the student to see the time slots where both the student and teacher are free. There would be a master list of classrooms, so students would be able to easily access where and when to meet their teacher. The team has considered incorporating student report cards on the app, but there are complications with that idea. The app is so special and unique because it is student-run, but once students’ grades are involved, Lesches and Todes would need to turn over the app to the faculty.
RamLife captures the incredible innovation at Ramaz. Lesches’ hard work is paying off. Last year, students were excited to download the app and found it very efficient in their day-to-day lives. This year, the Ramaz community –students, teachers, and parents– are looking forward to adding RamLife to their home screens and seeing what else the Ramaz TEC Team has in store.