Q&A: Getting to Know Ms. Daniella Eson, Science

The Rampage welcomes Ms. Eson to the Ramaz community! Ms. Eson is the new Biology teacher at Ramaz, tecahing both a freshamn class and AP class. Ms. Eson also teaches the Genetic Diseases elective at Ramaz. The Rampage interviewed her to learn more about who she is.

Sarah Ginsberg: Hi Ms. Eson, thank you for meeting with me! Where did you grow up? 

Ms. Daniella Eson: I grew up in Florida.   

SG: What were your favorite and least favorite subjects in school?

DE: My least favorite subject was always math. My favorite subjects were science and music.

SG: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

DE: I enjoy playing piano, going to spin classes, hanging out with friends, and going to broadway shows (Something Rotten is my favorite show). 

SG:  If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

DE: Travel the world.

SG:  What is your favorite book?

DE: One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest.

SG:What’s your favorite type of music? Who’s your favorite singer? 

DE: Pop music is my favorite type of music. Mordechai Shapiro is my favorite artist but Sam Smith is a close second. 

SG:  What is your favorite food?

DE: Pulled brisket.

SG:  Are you more of a breakfast, lunch, or dinner person?

DE: Lunch, for sure. 

SG:  What is your favorite holiday?

DE: Succot, it’s as long as Pesach but you can eat whatever you want.

SG: What is your favorite part of your career?

DE: I love getting to know my students and seeing how they learn. The best feeling is when I adjust my teaching styles for them and get to witness how my adjustment improves their understanding. 

SG: What made you interested in teaching biology?

DE: I was always fascinated by science in school, particularly biology. I find biology really interesting because our bodies are so complex and it is fun to learn about all of its small intricacies. 

SG: If you were not a biology teacher, what would you be?

DE:A music teacher.

SG: What is your dream vacation?

DE: Hawaii.

SG: Thank you, Ms. Eson!