Ramaz’s Official Laptop Policy

Many Ramaz students feel that they are expected to bring their laptops to school daily. Is this necessary? Most classes have at least one student using a laptop, and students are seen using their computers in the lounges and library. When asked about the school’s official laptop policy, Ms. Krupka explained, “[computers] can be used in the hallways, library, etc. But they are not allowed in classes unless a teacher gives specific, okay with laptops in their class.” Regardless of whether students are aware or unaware that this is the official policy, many students bring their laptops just in case an opportunity arrives to use them. In addition, Ms. Krupka said that students are NOT expected to bring their laptops daily, and she does not let students use laptops in her class unless they have an accommodation.
Teachers have the right to allow laptops or prohibit them in their classes. When asked why they think some teachers allow laptops, Ms. Newman, Ms. Krupka, Ms. Grossman, Rabbi Albo, and Dr. Milowitz all agreed that it depends on the teacher’s preference. They explained that teachers have the right to do what they feel is best for their class. For some teachers, it is black and white, yes or no, answer as to whether they allow laptops. For others, they determine on a case by case basis.
The presence of iPads has been growing in school. Because iPads are a new learning tool, the school does not have an official policy for them. iPads are tricky because they can be viewed as a computer or simply as a notebook with an Apple pencil. Therefore, this is not as clear cut. The overall policy is viewed similarly, and therefore can be compared to the laptop policy. Ms. Grossman commented that an iPad seems like an expensive notebook. The main difference between the two is you can organize your notes on your iPad like a laptop. Rabbi Albo on the other hand said, “I don’t think it matters, it’s just they are both different tools. Some people find iPads more comfortable to use. There is a difference between the two. I think potentially laptops are probably easier to use because they have a keyboard that’s not directly on the screen”.
Some teachers may say that laptops serve as a distraction and hindrance to student learning. Ms. Newman says, “ I just think it’s such a distraction for most people. I know that people go on things they’re not supposed to.” On the other hand, some teachers believe that laptops are extremely beneficial to young learners and serve as great support for efficiency and reliability. For some students laptops are a way to keep organized and not lose papers they are given in class – while for others, it is an easier way to take notes.
Overall, students are not required to bring their laptops to school. It is up to each teacher’s discretion if they allow students to use laptops in their classes, and some teachers do not have a preference if students use computers. At the end of the day, whether teachers allow laptops or not, they make policies with the intentions of helping the most students succeed in their classes.