Ram Jammin’
The Dance Team performs at Ramjam.
On Wednesday March 2nd, Ramaz students, Freshman paired with Juniors during 9th period, and Sophomores with Seniors during 3rd period, rushed down the stairs to watch a long awaited and missed event. Ramaz’s Ramjam is an annual musical performance ‘made by students, for students,’ showcasing the various vocal, instrumental, and dance talents at Ramaz. It is the first time Ram Jam has taken place in-person since 2020, being the first Ramjam for both freshmen and sophomores. As Ramaz students eagerly sat on the auditorium floor, lights dim, everywhere students turned their heads was another group of talented students waiting to perform.
As a spotlight shone onto the stage, MC’s Tova Solomons ‘23 and Jordan Mittler ‘22 opened this year’s Ram Jam. The Rock Band led by Michael Getsten ‘22, Corey Title ‘22, and Ben Rosen ‘22, opened Ram Jam, playing Movin’ Out by Billy Joel. The Rock Band included instruments like the electric and acoustic guitar, the saxophone, the synthesizer and piano, and drums. The Chamber Choir followed with an upbeat performance of Confident by Demi Lovato. Then, a special surprise; for the first time in seven years, the Percussion Ensemble came back to life. Led by Mr. Elisha, and presidents Josh North ‘23 and Abe Kohl ‘23, the ‘boy band’ of drummers with various percussion instruments stood around him in a semi-circle. They showcased instruments from a traditional drum set in the middle of the stage, to floor toms, from the tambourines to the Agogo Bell; the Percussion Ensemble had it all. Mr. Elisha conducted the ensemble, with his hands and feet, pointing from boy to boy, giving them their own spotlight. Students could feel the vibrations on the floor and the beats of the drums in their chests before their performance culminated in a loud applause. The Jazz Ensemble, with president David Tarrab ‘23 on the Bass, followed with a performance of Chameleon by Herbie Hancock.
After the performance concluded, the spot light shone right below the stage onto Guitar Ensemble where a row of guitarists began to perform Clocks by Rhythms Del Mundo. The Guitar Ensemble was followed by the girls Dance Team, dressed in reflective silver sets, began their performance. Their performance included a mashup of different songs and was choreographed by Ella Low ‘22, Norma Tamil ‘22, and Ilana Kahn ‘23. Finally, our annual Ram Jam concluded with the Ramaz Choir singing Uveneh in unison.