Meet the Editors! 2022-2023

Note from the editors:

We are beyond excited to be your Rampage Editors-in-Chief this year! Together with our hard-working and talented team, we hope to produce an engaging newspaper that is an accurate voice of the student body. In addition to our issues that are published monthly, we have a website and an Instagram account (@ramazrampage) that are both constantly updated with our most recent news articles, opinion pieces, student features, pictures, and broadcasts. Stay tuned for our next issue, and be sure to follow us on our online platforms!

  • Andrew, Rebecca, & Emily


What is your favorite Rampage Article that you wrote?

RS: Last year, as school policies such as elevator restrictions, mask wearing, and dress code were changing left and right, I decided to interview Ms. Krupka on how the administration generally deals with enforcing the “grey area” of school rules: rules that are not so clear cut or easily enforced. The article  got me thinking about what makes certain school rules, such as skirt length or mask wearing, notoriously unfollowed by students, and what makes rules including lateness and grades so clearly accepted by students.  

AS: In 10th grade, I wrote a Rampage Article about Ramaz’s Energy Efficiency Score. When I discovered that Ramaz received a D1, the lowest score possible, I immediately did research on the new law, including what contributes to a poor score and how it can be improved. I spent approximately two weeks writing this news piece, interviewing professionals, students, and faculty. I put great effort into writing this article, making it the one I am most proud of.

EV: During my sophomore year, astrology and horoscopes were trending in pop culture, and I wanted to find a way to bring the topic to the Rampage. That’s when I wrote “Astrology and Judaism”; an article that introduces the history of astrology and its place in the Talmud and Judaism in general. The majority of the article interviewed students, Rabbis, and science teachers on their views regarding the validity and uses of astrology, and the Jewish perspective on astrology. 

  • What is your hidden talent?

RS: Underwater handstands! I have never lost a handstand contest in my life

AS: When I was younger, I used to do trapeze in the summer! I used to trapeze in the summers in Long Beach and in Camp Modin. I actually won the “Trap King” award at the banquet one year.

EV: I can do all sorts of tricks and make shapes with my tongue, which come partially from genetics and partially from practice! I can roll it into a tube, tuck it under my bottom teeth, flip it 180 degrees, touch my nose, make a clover, and do horizontal and diagonal waves. 

  • What are you most excited about for the paper this year?

RS: I am most excited for the Purim issue. Satire articles allow writers to express a more creative side to them and I’m excited to see what the 2022-2023 team has in store! 

AS: I am most excited to bring in new writers for the Rampage, teaching them how to write different pieces and improve their writing. I am also excited to digitize the paper by incorporating sports reports and scores on the website and Instagram.

EV: I am most excited to get more students involved and reading the online version of the Rampage. I can’t wait to start spotlighting and featuring different articles on our social media platforms. (Follow @ramazrampage on instagram!!!) 

  • What is your favorite Ramaz tradition?

RS: My favorite Ramaz tradition is the live screening of the Glouberman tournament from the 4th floor lounge. It is one of the first school spirit events of the year and I feel it brings students from all grades together in a fun and exciting manner.  

AS: My favorite Ramaz tradition is the annual retreat. While Ramaz took the entire Upper School to Israel last year at the end of May, we typically have a retreat at a sleepaway camp during that time. While I have only been on one retreat in my Sophomore year, I loved being able to spend time and bond with my friends in the warm weather, playing sports and other activities.

EV: My favorite Ramaz tradition has to be Celebration of the Arts. I love performing and having the chance to express creativity in front of the whole school, but I also love being in the audience and enjoying all the different artistic talents that Ramaz students have to offer!