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The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

Farewell Tribute to Rabbi Slomnicki

Farewell Tribute to Rabbi Slomnicki

William Kremer ’20 June 8, 2020

When the school doors (potentially) reopen this fall, Ramaz will be missing a key player. On May 26, Rabbi Stochel announced that Rabbi Eli Slomnicki, Dean of Students, Junior Grade Dean, and a freshman...

After Hours Zoom Programming

After Hours Zoom Programming

Rachel Freilich ’22 June 5, 2020

Although Ramaz Zoom programming takes up much of Upper School students’ days and weeks, many students are taking advantage of other remote opportunities. Whether it will extend into the summer or only...

Virtual Celebration of the Arts is Alive!

Virtual Celebration of the Arts is Alive!

Samantha Sinensky ’21 June 5, 2020

Artwork lined from floor to ceiling, the band plucking tunes on the perimeter of the room, murmurs of guests wafting through the aisles: Ramaz’s annual Celebration of the Arts is a culmination of the...

Why Wednesday Assemblies?

Why Wednesday Assemblies?

Daniel Kalimi ’23 June 5, 2020

One major development that came with the advent of Zoom school is the addition of Wednesday assemblies. These gatherings are an opportunity to see what various people are doing during this pandemic and...

Second Semester Grading: How Does Ramaz Compare?

Second Semester Grading: How Does Ramaz Compare?

Sarah Ginsberg ’22 June 5, 2020

Would it benefit students if schools switched to a pass/fail curriculum? Should grades still play a significant role during this time of remote learning? Would it be better to have letter grades or just...

Online School in September?

Online School in September?

Julia Feit ’22 June 5, 2020

As the end of the virtual school year rapidly approaches and summer programs begin to close, the ambiguity of school in September looms. It’s hard to imagine learning for an entire beginning of a school...

My Experience with Virtual College Tours

My Experience with Virtual College Tours

Charles Spielfogel ’21 June 5, 2020

Due to COVID-19, all colleges have been closed, leaving it impossible for juniors to visit schools. At the beginning of the pandemic, many students grew worried that they might never be able to visit schools...

June Tests During Corona: Pros and Cons

June Tests During Corona: Pros and Cons

Sydney Eisenstein ’22 June 5, 2020

During the week of June 15 to 19, Ramaz students will be taking exams despite the virtual learning environment. Although having these tests may be a nuisance to some, tests will give students the opportunity...

Yael Webber '20 stocks up on coffee for the day.

Café Ramaz: Coffee Rundown

Daniel Kalimi '23 May 18, 2020

The coffee industry is estimated to be worth $20 billion and about 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed annually. Millions of people around the world rely on coffee to get through the day, and Ramaz...

Bored in Quarantine? Here’s What You Should Watch

Bored in Quarantine? Here’s What You Should Watch

Tammy Palagi '21 May 15, 2020

There are countless ways COVID-19 has negatively impacted all of our lives, but there is always a silver lining! While you’re sitting at home contemplating the future, these shows will help get your...

RAMote Learning: Hearing Student Voices

RAMote Learning: Hearing Student Voices

Rachel Freilich ’22 May 15, 2020

After the first week of school on the Zoom platform, Ms. Krupka posted a survey to which many students answered openly and honestly. Students took this survey seriously because the consensus was that Zoom...

Absence of Anecdotals

Absence of Anecdotals

Julia Feit '22 May 15, 2020

A typical semester at Ramaz consists of in-person classes, tests, assignments, and socializing with friends. This semester of school is anything but normal. Perhaps the biggest change to students’ “new...

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