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The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

Dr. Stein Kokin, Ms. Krupka and other faculty and staff discuss the library’s layout.

The State of the Upper School Library

Sarah Silverman ’24 June 20, 2022

Many teens enjoy reading. With television, games, and social media keeping the youth of this generation occupied, you would think there would be no time for opening books. “I read all the time,” says...

Major Upgrades Coming to the  Ramdome This Summer

Major Upgrades Coming to the Ramdome This Summer

Aviva Schilowitz ’24 June 20, 2022

Despite being a relatively small school compared to many of its peers, Ramaz has generally punched above its weight in sports. Just this year alone, Ramaz threw a wrench into first-place SAR’s plans,...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Ramaz: A Spotlight on The  Environmental Club

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Ramaz: A Spotlight on The Environmental Club

Andrew Spielfogel ’23 June 20, 2022

The Ramaz Environmental Club’s mission is to “green” the school by spreading awareness about environmental concerns and adopting sustainable habits. The Luv Your Lulav drive and Ramaz reusable water...

An Interview with Browning NYC Poetry Society Winner: Arlette Gindi

An Interview with Browning NYC Poetry Society Winner: Arlette Gindi

Emily Vayner ’23 June 20, 2022

This year, Arlette Gindi ‘22, Co-President of Parallax, Ramaz’s award-winning literary magazine, won the New York City High School Browning Poetry Society competition. She competed against students...

Celebration of the Arts Comes Back to Life After COVID-19 Hiatus

Celebration of the Arts Comes Back to Life After COVID-19 Hiatus

Emily Vayner ’23 June 20, 2022

On Thursday, June 2nd, 2022, Ramaz’s annual Celebration of the Arts came back to life on our very own auditorium stage, in-person for the first time since 2019. The entire school made their way downstairs...

June Crossword

June Crossword

June 20, 2022

Solve the puzzles? Send a photo to to be featured on our Instagram.

June Word Search

June Word Search

June 20, 2022

Solve the puzzles? Send a photo to to be featured on our Instagram.

Book Rec of the Month: The Song of Achilles

Book Rec of the Month: The Song of Achilles

Jem Hanan '23 June 20, 2022

Recently, I’ve noticed that there has been an uptick in retellings of Greek mythology in the Young Adult genre of literature. Although I am not anywhere near qualified to make bold statements about the...

Seniors planting flowers at Camp Simcha during the Daniella Moffson Day of Service.

Ramaz and Chesed

Ashley Behm ’24 June 20, 2022

At the beginning of this year, the news of the reinstatement of chesed hours (after a Covid hiatus) for sophomores induced mixed feelings of excitement and stress from many students,. Many were excited...

APs For Juniors: Adding Heat to The Pressure Cooker That Is Ramaz

APs For Juniors: Adding Heat to The Pressure Cooker That Is Ramaz

Emily Vayner ’23 June 20, 2022

I remember my freshman year at Ramaz. It was the year I made new friends, adapted to Ramaz’s rigorous dual-curriculum, and learned about the hustle and bustle of the school’s culture. I remember talking...

Why Even “Pro-Lifers” Should Not Support  Overturning Roe V. Wade

Why Even “Pro-Lifers” Should Not Support Overturning Roe V. Wade

Aviva Lehman '22 June 20, 2022

If you read the Constitution of the United States, you’ll notice that it is incredibly vague; this is actually by design. In Thomas Jefferson’s own words, he referred to the Constitution as a “living...

Ancient Greek Club: A Q&A With Dr. Tugendhaft

Ancient Greek Club: A Q&A With Dr. Tugendhaft

David Gitelman '22 June 20, 2022

The Ancient Greek Club is a new club that Dr. Tugendhaft started this year. The Rampage interviewed Dr. Tugendhaft about the background and successes of this club. David Gitelman: What inspired you...

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